In an environment where young people are not provided with timely information regarding their body, health and well being, our LSBE program supports young people in accessing such information in a safe environment.
Starting from the early primary school years, Aahung’s programs focus on body protection and child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention and critical skills in communicating discomfort and mistreatment. Building on this momentum, negotiation and conflict resolution skills are introduced to students in their middle school years, along with information on changes in the body during puberty and awareness about harassment and sexual abuse. As young people become more mature in their thinking, reproductive health topics such as HIV/AIDS, peer pressure, rights within the nikah nama, positive health seeking behaviors and the importance of planning a family are introduced and explored. The LSBE curriculum has a strong emphasis on exploring issues of gender and power as these are key concepts, which determine from an early age, reproductive health outcomes.
The LSBE program operates predominantly through school systems in which administrative decision makers, teachers and the school community, including parents, are sensitized on the need for LSBE for promoting the well being of young people.
We also engage with the youth in communities through partnerships with community-based organization using awareness raising activities such as theater performances, melas and mobile cinema campaigns.
The LSBE program is supported by the International Women’s Health Coalition and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.